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Texas-Based Pharmacy Software Company To Train Pharmacists To Administer COVID-19 Tests

Texas-Based Pharmacy Software Company to Train Pharmacists to Administer COVID-19 Tests to Support Expanding Role of Pharmacists as Essential Healthcare Providers

FORT WORTH, Texas – Today, leading pharmacy software company FDS, Inc. announced that it will offer an optimized training program designed to prepare pharmacists to administer COVID-19 tests.

“For many people, pharmacists are the most accessible healthcare provider,” said Jason Ausili, Pharm.D., Chief Clinical Officer for FDS. “We think pharmacists can — and should — play a key role in COVID-19 point-of-care testing.”

Last month, the Department of Health and Human Services authorized licensed pharmacists to order and administer COVID-19 tests to make testing more accessible for all Americans.

A recent poll of community pharmacists by FDS showed that 82% of pharmacies would like to offer COVID-19 testing. However, 53% of those pharmacies do not feel prepared to do so.

“We saw a need in the pharmacy community, and that became our priority,” said Ausili.

An advocate for community pharmacists and their expanding role in health care, FDS partnered with leading experts to create an efficient and targeted COVID-19-focused point-of-care training program.

The program is designed to mobilize pharmacists as testers, both during this crisis and beyond. Short, efficient video modules will help refine skills in areas such as:

  • How to perform safe specimen collection
  • Best practices for using PPE
  • Creating a workflow for COVID-19 testing
  • Ensuring regulatory compliance for testing
  • How to handle public health reporting

“We’re excited to offer this important resource during what has undoubtedly been one of the most difficult times many pharmacies have ever faced,” said Adam McMullin, CEO of FDS. “But it is also an opportunity to accelerate the role of the pharmacy in community care.”

“This training program,” added McMullin, “combined with our support services and COVID-19-specific enhancements to our FDS Engage med sync and patient-centric workflow platform and FDS MedBill medical billing solution, truly demonstrate FDS’s commitment to empowering pharmacies as essential community healthcare providers with a comprehensive solution.”

The training program will be available to all FDS MedBill Plus subscribers starting in mid-June. Pharmacists who enroll in FDS MedBill Plus before June 12 will receive the training program at no additional charge.

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