Texas State Faculty, Staff Honored During Fall 2019 Convocation

SAN MARCOS – Texas State University President Denise Trauth presented more than two dozen faculty and staff awards during the Fall 2019 Convocation.

This year’s recipients of the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Teaching are Celeste Domsch, associate professor in the Department of Communication Disorders; Kaysie Brown, associate professor in the Department of Theatre and Dance; and Rachel Romero, senior lecturer in the Department of Sociology.

The two recipients of this year’s Presidential Awards for Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Activities are Oleg Komogortsev, professor in the Department of Computer Science; and Michael Ippolito, assistant professor in the School of Music.

Komogortsev will also present this year’s Presidential Seminar.

The Presidential Award for Excellence in Service went to Rebekah Fox, associate professor in the Department of Communication Studies; and Krista Thomas, senior lecturer in the Department of Health and Human Performance.

The Alumni Affairs Office recognized Ron Haas, director of research and writing in the Honors College, as the recipient of the Teaching Award of Honor.

The Faculty Senate recognized Ann Burnette, associate professor in the Department of Communication Studies; Rodney Rohde, program chair for the Clinical Laboratory Science Program; and Cindy Royal, professor in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, as the recipients of the Everette Swinney Faculty Senate Excellence in Teaching Award.

The late Lawrence Estaville, University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Geography, was named 2018 Regents’ Professor by the Texas State University System Board of Regents. Estaville is the 15th Texas State faculty member to receive this designation.

This year’s new University Distinguished Professors are William Brittain, chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry; and Roseann Mandziuk, professor in the Department of Communication Studies.

The eight retired faculty members who were named Distinguished Professors Emeriti were David Butler, Texas State University System Regents’ Professor and University Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Geography; Stan Carpenter, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Education; David Caverly, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Curriculum and Instruction; Fred Day, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Geography; Robert Gorman, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Political Science; Michael Hennessy, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of English; Linda Homeyer, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of the Professional Counseling Program; and Donald Olson, Texas State University System Regents’ Professor and Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Physics.

This year’s recipients of the Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Award were Russell Moses, lecturer in the Department of Philosophy; and Michelle Sotolongo, student development specialist in the Honors College.

The award for 2018 Employee of the Year went to Danielle McEwen, administrative assistant in the Department of Psychology.

Winners of this year’s Mariel Muir Mentoring Award were Gloria Martinez, professor in the Department of Sociology; and Carol Dochen, director of the Student Learning Assistance Center.

The full text of President Trauth’s convocation speech may be found at https://www.president.txstate.edu/about-president-trauth/select-presentations/fall-convocation-2019.html.

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