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Living Outside The Lines: “What Was I Thinking?”

By, Becky J Miller

In Walt Disney’s Mulan Huns attack the Great Wall of China. In response a soldier lights a fire warning the country of imminent attack. Turning to face his enemy the soldier says, “Now all of China knows you are here.” Well, now all the readers of SM Corridor News know Becky J. Miller is here, and the audience is much broader than just my personal blog. Even though this is not a news column, I still feel a huge responsibility to “get it right.”

How does one transition from complete anonymity to parading naked in cyberspace? Suddenly my innermost thoughts are a matter of public record. What was I thinking? Simply put; I love to write and am told I do it well. I experienced similar feelings of anxiety when I first started my blog. Prior to its creation, I lacked both an outlet for writing and the motivation to do so. Ever the problem solver my husband suggested, “Why not blog?” In my naïveté I thought, “What a great idea.” After the first blog was irrevocably displayed my husband stated, “Now the entire world knows you have a blog.” My mouth dropped open, my brain came to a screeching halt and I wondered, “What have I done?”

Oh, dear, I know what I’ve done; opened myself up to public scrutiny and criticism. Ouch. Like a stock market ticker tape, my thoughts continued to run, “Who will read my ranting; maybe no one and maybe everyone?” I feel much the same way about this column. Hopefully my audience will cross cultural, religious, racial and all other types of boundaries. Hopefully I will inspire some. Probably I will irritate others. Both are okay. Just like Toby Keith says, “I’m a man, or in this case woman, of my convictions, call me wrong, call me right but I bring my better angels to every fight. You might not like where I’m going, but you’ll sure know where I stand, hate me if you want to, love me if you can.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBcQ0lt610g.

That verse pretty much sums me up. No doubt, my words will make some people shake their heads and call me names, but there will likely be others who will stop and think, “Hmm, maybe she has a point.” Either way, the world is my canvas and I choose to use my words to paint masterpieces. Will my masterpieces resemble Picasso – oddly unsettling? How about DaVinci – easily recognized? Even I do not know the answer to my questions. But, come with me, let’s journey together and see where the road leads.

Until Next Time,
Becky J Miller
Warrior Princess


Previous Comments:

Autumn: I always look forward to reading your column and your blogs!!

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