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Texas State To Host Mexican Students As Part Of Proyecta 100,000

Texas State To Host Mexican Students As Part Of Proyecta 100,000
SAN MARCOS – Texas State University’s Intensive English (TSIE) program will welcome students and teachers from Mexico this summer as part of the Mexican government’s plan to have 100,000 Mexican citizens studying in United States colleges and universities by 2018.
The initiative, known as Proyecta 100,000, provides students with scholarships funded by the Mexican government for the study of English language courses. At Texas State, students will increase their English language skills and knowledge of higher education and American culture by attending daily classes, living on campus, and visiting area attractions.
“Texas State’s resources and international outreach are ideal to complement this initiative,” said Rosario Davis, TSIE associate director. “TSIE is looking forward to hosting these participants and introducing them to the Bobcat spirit.”
Proyecta 100,000 is based on the U.S.-Mexico Bilateral Forum on Higher Education, Innovation and Research launched by U.S. President Barack Obama and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto in 2013. The forum is designed to enhance educational exchanges, scientific research partnerships and cross-border innovation that help both countries develop a 21st century workforce for mutual economic prosperity and sustainable social development.
Proyecta 100,000 is complemented by the U.S. government’s 100,000 Strong in the Americas project, which aims to increase educational exchanges in the Western hemisphere.
To learn more about the Intensive English program at Texas State visit www.txstate.edu/ie/

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