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Texas State University Spring 2014 Deans List Reception

Posted by Staff

    Texas State University had their Deans List reception for the Spring 2014 semester, and  we are very proud to announce that one of the San Marcos Corridor News Interns, Sierra King, made the Deans list for the 2014 Spring Semester and was honored for her hard work. (Pictured Right; Dr. Thomas Clark, Dean of School of Music, standing in for Dr. John Fleming, Interim Dean of Fine Arts and Communications, and Senior Corridor News Intern Serra King.)

    The reception was held in the LBJ Student ballroom where hundreds of students participated in the ceremony. Students were given a chance to take a picture in front of their college’s banner with the Dean of the department. This year the University had five thousand and six hundred and four undergraduate students honored with this outstanding academic achievement. Undergraduate students must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours and earn at least a 3.5 GPA at the end of any Fall or Spring semester in order to receive this award.

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