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“The Language Women Speak” Making Beautiful Noise At Price Center

San Marcos, TX – A new art show titled “The Language Women Speak,” consisting of 151 works of original art created exclusively by women throughout the Central Texas region, will be the focus of an afternoon reception on International Women’s Day at the Price Center.

International Women’s Day is Sunday, March 8; the reception will be held from 3 to 5 PM.

The reception is free, open to the public, and guests are encouraged to wear something white in honor of the 100th Anniversary the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote.

Miss Anna – Love Shared and Received watercolor by Cheryl Wooten

The reception and art show are the second iterations of an art showcase exclusively by and about women.

“We gained so much strength from each other in one short afternoon last year,” said Debangana Banjaree, event founder. “The bigger show and longer display will enable more of us to enhance our creative practices through the collaboration and encouragement from each other and our community,” she added.

“The Language Women Speak” presents a loving, diverse and often deeply personal look at the world as seen through the female gaze, according to the price center.

A record number of participating artists – 87 with 50 being new to the Center – range in age from twenty-something to nearly 102.

Works include traditional subject matter and media as well as innovative concepts and unique media.

The largest art show in the Price Center’s history hangs throughout all the first-floor venues until the end of April and most of the works are available for purchase.

The expanded event planning committee this year included Banerjee and local artists Joan Nagel, Garrie Borden, Margaret Adie, and Suzanne Shield-Polk.

The larger committee helped produce a larger show and more representation of the performing arts via live music, poetry, dance and a scene from a play.

In addition, “At the Table,” an interactive popup group art installation, will be assembled throughout the event by artists participating in the show, and a street art installation titled “Street Art in a Bow” will provide an additional element of surprise.

Performances during the Reception will begin at 3:45 PM with the following artists slated to appear:

  • Music by Marilisa Swain
  • Poetry by Diann McCabe, Garrie Borden, Angie Campbell-Johnson, Marieta Hutchison, Cynthia Juniper, Susan Welch, Debangana Banerjee, and Kelany Brent
  • Dance by Sara Carpenter, her daughter, Cindy Gratz, will interpret.
  • A Scene from “The Roommate” by Laura Haygood and Melinda Ellisor of the Wimberley Players

“The overwhelming number of submissions for this show illustrates the need for women to have their voices heard,” said Nagel, Price Center Arts Committee Chair. “And the sound we’ve collectively made through this show is truly a beautiful noise,” she added.

Rotating art shows are made possible in part through grant funds from the San Marcos Arts Commission. Admission is free and open to all daily.

Proceeds from show application fees and commissions from any sales benefit the Price Center, which is operated by the Greater San Marcos Area Seniors Association (GSMASA), a 501 (c) 3 non-profit.

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