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The Meadows Center Hosts Groundwater Festival To Educate Local Students

The San Marcos Independent School District participated in the Groundwater Festival at Spring Lake with 626 fourth-grade students.

SAN MARCOS, TEXASFor 10 years, The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment at Texas State University has hosted the Groundwater Festival in an effort to promote environmental awareness and water education.

The San Marcos Independent School District participated in the Groundwater Festival at Spring Lake with 626 fourth-grade students.

“This event provides an opportunity for San Marcos fourth graders to learn about the importance of groundwater and the San Marcos River that flows through our own community,” Education Manager Sonja Mlenar said. “Outdoor education helps students with learning goals back in the classroom and inspires them to become environmental stewards.”

Sponsors for the event included The Meadows Center, the Edwards Aquifer Authority, the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority and the City of San Marcos. Presenters included The Meadows Center, the Edwards Aquifer Authority, the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority, the City of San Marcos Public Services Department, the San Marcos River Rangers, Center for Archaeological Studies at Texas State University, Texas Stream Team and the Edwards Aquifer Research and Data Center.

“Many of these schools would not be able to afford this hands-on experience without the help from our generous sponsors,” Mlenar said.

To sponsor a future school field trip, please contact sm56@txstate.edu.


The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment at Texas State University was named following a generous gift from The Meadows Foundation in August 2012. The Meadows Center inspires research, innovation and leadership that ensures clean, abundant water for the environment and all humanity, and is led by Executive Director Andrew Sansom, Ph.D.


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