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The Seton Hays Foundation Cancels Tonight’s Boots & Bling Gala

“What is most important is that, thanks to your support and other fundraising efforts for the event, we will still be able to provide substantial funds to the McCoy Wellness & Rehabilitation Center and the Children’s Care-A-Van program… Watch for details of our online Auction…”

The Seton Hays Foundation has released the following statement…

Generous Supporters,

With much thoughtful consideration and consultation with emergency management officials, it is with much sadness that we announce the cancellation of this Saturday’s 2017 Boots & Bling Gala due to the threat of Hurricane Harvey. Seton Family of Healthcare’s mission is to provide “care which sustains and improves the health of individuals and communities.” Putting you, our wonderful givers, in harm’s way is not in line with that mission nor is it a risk that we are willing to take.

Many of you, sponsors and volunteers both, have poured countless hours into making this event special and impactful. We want to give a big Texas-sized thank you to all of our amazing sponsors listed below, guests, Seton staff and volunteers, the Gala Planning Committee, and especially Gala Co-Chairs Michelle Lopez, Keith Schmidt, and Mandi Harris. We also want to acknowledge our event emcees, Patrick Rose and Deeda Lovett, and Fund-the-Need Champions Julie Carter and Neal Kelley. Thank you for caring so much about the Hays and Caldwell County communities.

What is most important is that, thanks to your support and other fundraising efforts for the event, we will still be able to provide substantial funds to the McCoy Wellness & Rehabilitation Center and the Children’s Care-A-Van program which is so vital to the health of our community.

There are no plans to reschedule the event at this time. Please be on the lookout for information about an online auction of the items donated for the Gala coming soon. Proceeds will of course benefit both important programs as planned. Once we are able to announce it, we will follow up to let everyone know the total amount raised for the McCoy Wellness & Rehabilitation Center and Children’s Care-A-Van.

If you reserved a room at the Hyatt Lost Pines for any portion of the Gala, please contact 512-308-1234 for a refund with no penalties.

We hope you are able to spend this weekend safe indoors with your families, and we pray that those most affected by the storm will be lifted up and as a community we can help them move forward.


Your friends at The Seton Hays Foundation

Linda Lotz lslotz@seton.org or 512.751.7830
Lauren Schumann LSchumann@seton.org or 214.415.4855
Megan Pumarejo MaPumarejo@seton.org or 512.230.5193


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