Thousands of pounds of trash collected in 37th Annual River Clean Up
Staff Reports
The 37th Annual Great Texas River Clean Up was held on March 5, 2022. Approximately 625 volunteers picked up trash and debris in and along the Upper San Marcos River to Stokes Park, the river’s tributaries: Cottonwood, Purgatory, Sink, Sessom, and Willow Creeks, Blanco River, and Plum Creek.
- Total Trash: 6,865 lbs
- Total Recycling: 1,380 lbs; 17 passenger tires; 2 truck tires
An estimated 200 canoers volunteered to pick up trash in the San Marcos River from Cummings Dam to Palmetto Park Feb 27.
- Total Trash: 40 cubic yards
- Total Recycling: ~590 lbs
To help minimize the amount of trash between the annual river clean ups, Keep San Marcos Beautiful, the Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Program, and the MS4 program host Hot Spot cleanups on the first Saturday of each month.

“The dedication of all our community members to the river system, even through COVID, illustrates how impactful the natural ecosystem is in their life,” said Amy Thomaides, City of San Marcos Community Enhancement Initiatives Manager.
To receive notifications for cleanups, contact Thomaides at athomaides@sanmarcostx.gov.
“It’s always rewarding to see the enthusiasm and hard work given by our river cleanup volunteers,” said Melani Howard, City of San Marcos Habitat Conservation Plan Manager. If you would like to help with more efforts with the Habitat Conservation Plan, contact Howard at mhoward@sanmarcostx.gov.
The 37th Annual Great Texas River Cleanup was sponsored by Texas River Protection Association, City of San Marcos, City of Kyle, and Texas State University. Multiple donors helped make the event possible: Alsco, Carson Properties, Clean Earth Systems, Edwards Aquifer Authority, Guadalupe Blanco River Authority, Greater San Marcos Partnership, H.E.B./Central Market, Honda-San Marcos/David Cook, Jacob’s/CH2M, Keep Texas Beautiful, Print My Biz, RDO Equipment, San Marcos Chamber of Commerce, San Marcos Lions Club, and Sur Powr Battery.