TRAFFIC ADVISORY: I-35 Mainlanes Near Stassney Lane To Close For Bridge Demolition
AUSTIN – The Texas Department of Transportation will temporarily close the north and southbound I-35 mainlanes so crews can safely demolish the Stassney Lane bridge as part of the I-35 from Stassney Lane to William Cannon Drive project.
During the closures, traffic will be detoured to frontage roads.
Beginning at 11 p.m. through 9 a.m. on Friday night and 11 p.m. through 10 a.m. on Saturday night (Aug. 23-24), crews will close the north and southbound I-35 mainlanes between US 290/SH 71 and south of Stassney Lane.
Drivers must exit southbound I-35 at Stassney Lane (exit 229) and will be able to re-enter I-35 just south of Stassney Lane at the temporary entrance ramp.
Northbound traffic will be detoured to the frontage road through a temporary ramp just north of Nelms Drive and will be able to re-enter I-35 using the existing entrance ramp just south of US 290/SH 71.(See attached detour map.)
Southbound I-35 flyovers from east and westbound US 290/SH 71 will also be closed. To travel south on I-35, east and westbound traffic on US 290/SH 71 should use the frontage roads.
The Stassney Lane bridge will close at 8 p.m. on Friday Aug. 23 for demolition. During this time, motorists wishing to travel across I-35 will be detoured to William Cannon Drive to the south and US 290/SH 71 to the north.
On Saturday, Aug. 24 at 10 a.m., the U-turn bridges across I-35 at Stassney Lane will be open to eastbound and westbound traffic.
A similar closure will take place from 8 p.m. Saturday night, Aug. 24 until 10 a.m. Sunday, Aug 25. After the weekend closure, traffic will continue to utilize the U-turn bridges to maintain east/west connectivity while the Stassney Lane bridge is being rebuilt.
An animated video has been created to explain the bridge construction process and long-term detour.
Road signs have been placed to alert drivers of the upcoming closures. TxDOT asks the traveling public to be patient, adhere to construction signage, and remain aware when traveling through the work zone.
The I-35 from Stassney Lane to William Cannon Drive project is entering its final phase. Upcoming work includes the reconstruction of the Stassney Lane bridge, which is expected to complete in early 2020.
The $79 million project, which will enhance mobility, safety, and connectivity for all modes of transportation, also includes a reconstructed bridge at William Cannon Drive, added U-turn lanes and improved bicycle and pedestrian accommodations.
To learn more about this project and recommended detour routes, visit My35Construction.org.