TxDOT To Host Open House For Us 183 Improvements From Metric Boulevard To Cameron Road

AUSTIN — The Texas Department of Transportation will host an open house on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2019, to discuss the proposed improvements to US 183 from Metric Boulevard to Cameron Road.

The open house will be held from 6 to 8 PM at Westover Church of Christ, 8332 Mesa Drive, in Austin. There will be no formal presentation so attendees can come and go at their convenience. The proposed project will increase safety and mobility along US 183.

Proposed improvements

  • Construct a northbound auxiliary lane from southbound I-35 to the Ohlen Road/Payton Gin Road exit ramp and from the northbound entrance ramp at Lamar Boulevard to the US 183 exit ramp at Burnet Road
  • Construct a southbound auxiliary lane from the entrance ramp near Burnet Road to the Lamar Boulevard exit ramp
  • Add a main lane from the southbound I-35 exit to the Cameron Road exit
  • Add a left-turn lane and pedestrian accommodations at Lamar Boulevard on the northbound frontage road
  • Close the northbound US 183 entrance ramp at Georgian Drive

Maps, drawings and project information will be on display at the open house. Project team members will be available to answer questions. Comments from the public are encouraged.

Those unable to attend the meeting in person can review materials and comment online by visiting www.txdot.gov and entering “US 183 from Metric” in the search area or call 512-832-7001.

Comments can also be mailed to the TxDOT Austin District, P.O.Box 15426, Austin, Texas 78761-5426, Attn: Shelly Eason. All comments must be received by Friday, Oct. 4, 2019, to be included in the public record.

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