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United Ways Ask Families Across Texas To complete Survey To Assess Economic Impact Of COVID-19

Austin – United Ways across Texas and the state organization, United Ways of Texas, are launching a statewide survey today to assess the economic impact the COVID19 crisis has had on Texas families.

All Texas families are invited to complete the survey which will remain in open through June 24. Individual responses are confidential.

Take the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/txcovid19impact

“Every Texas family has felt the impact of COVID19 and even though much of our state has re-opened, life remains uncertain. This survey represents an opportunity to better understand the impact that COVID19 has had on Texans, to help inform state and community leaders in how best to support Texans in need,” said Adrianna Cuellar Rojas, United Ways of Texas President and CEO.

“H-E-B recognizes the importance of seeking out a deeper understanding of the challenges ahead for Texas families…” – Bea Lopez, HEB Unit Director, and United Ways of Texas Board Chair.
Before the pandemic hit, more than one in four Texas households were already struggling, led by workers that were unable to earn enough to cover the basics or to save for an unexpected life crisis or loss of a job.

For many Texans, the economic crisis has stripped away family assets and abruptly repositioned families into unfamiliar financial positions.

The survey seeks information on a wide range of topics, including the most pressing concerns, job changes, childcare challenges, and economic changes that Texas families are navigating.

“On a daily basis, United Ways across our state are focused on helping Texans thrive.. With COVID19, the needs of Texas families, many who were already struggling prior to the pandemic, have been amplified, with disruptions in workforce, childcare, school, and overall life,” said Cuellar Rojas. “The information gathered from this survey will help inform United Ways and others as we work to respond to both the immediate needs of Texans and as we look forward to the next phase of recovery and what will be needed most to help get families back on track.“

“HEB is committed, now more than ever, to supporting Texans. As a long-time, proud partner and supporter of communities, H-E-B recognize the importance of seeking out a deeper understanding of the challenges ahead for Texas families across our state. H-E-B and United Way proudly support and encourage Texans Helping Texans,” Bea Lopez, HEB Unit Director and United Ways of Texas Board Chair. 

The survey takes roughly ten-minutes and includes questions such as: What are you concerned about in the weeks and months ahead? You will be asked to check all that apply.

  • You or a loved one getting COVID-19
  • Paying rent/mortgage
  • Paying other bills
  • Medical issues other than COVID-19
  • Mental health issue
  • Children’s well-being
  • Supporting my child/remote learning
  • Adequate childcare
  • Getting food and other things I need
  • The economic health of my community
  • Attending church or other social gatherings
  • Please specify.

“If you’ve felt the economic impact of the COVID19 pandemic, please take the time to complete the 10-minute survey,” Cuellar Rojas said. “United Way wants to listen and learn so we can know how best to help those Texans who have been hardest hit by COVID-19.”

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