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UPDATED: Hays County Commissioners 2015 Resolutions Supporting Pending Legislation

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – The Hays County Commissioners Court Tuesday approved four resolutions supporting proposed legislative changes, including:
  • Allowing Hays County, by a 5-0 vote, to set up a local provider participation fund under the Texas Health Care Transformation and Quality Improvement Program Medical Section 1115 Waiver, similar to funds that have been allowed in South Texas that would help provide more opportunity for the safety-net hospitals within Hays County to receive supplemental uncompensated care payments, at no additional cost to Hays County taxpayers;
  • Supporting legislative approval, by a 5-0 vote, of funding for a new Engineering and Science Facility and the Multifunctional Materials Innovation Institute at Texas State University to house the expanding enrollment in engineering, materials science and biology programs;
  • Supporting HB 3407 and SB1634 by a 3-2 vote, which would prevent the uses of eminent domain authority by Goforth Water SUD to construct a water pipeline outside of its service area, while respecting the SUD’s need for this authority within its service area;
  • Supporting HB 1193, by a 5-0 vote, which would provide a local option for a governing body to exempt from taxation the portion of the appraised value of property that is attributable to the installation of a rainwater harvesting system.

Here is a complete list of downloadable and printable Hays County Commissioners 2015 Resolutions:

  • HB 1193, Support Of Legislation Provving Tax Exemptions For Rainwater Harvesting Systems
  • Local Provider Participation Fund Legislation
  • The Funding Of A New Engineering And Science Facility And The Multifunctional Materials Innovation Institute At Texas State University
  • Goforth Special Utility District
  • Granting Road District Powers To Headwaters Municipal Utility District
  • Establish The Proper Local Regulation Of Commercial An Non-Exempt Groundwater Production In Aquifer Areas Currently Outside Of The Respective Groundwater Conservation Districts In Hays County
  • Support/Approval Of A Grant For The Barton Spring/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District Application For A Regional Planning Grant To Conduct A Feasibility Study Of Desalination For Storage And Recovery (ASR) System.


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