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Valentine Mailbox Opens In Kissing Alley

This week, the San Marcos Main Street Program kicked off their annual Love Letters from Downtown campaign by opening the Valentine mailbox in Kissing Alley.

It will be open through Friday, Feb. 14.

“There’s no holiday better suited for a hallmarked card from Kissing Alley than Valentine’s Day,” said Downtown Coordinator Josie Falletta. “We’re excited to share the romance and fun of a stroll through Downtown San Marcos with the world, one Valentine at a time.”

In order for a letter to be mailed, participants must properly address the envelope, apply postage and drop the letter in the mailbox.

Once Main Street receives the letter, it will be imprinted with a customized hallmark that reads “Sent from Kissing Alley.”

Anyone may participate in this local activity, and there is no limit to the number of Valentines a participant may send.

The mailbox will be up until Valentine’s Day; however, Main Street encourages participants to send in their letters by Wednesday, Feb. 5.

There is no guarantee of letters being received on time if they are dropped in the mailbox after Feb. 5.

For more information, contact jfalletta@sanmarcostx.gov.

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