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VIDEO: Diminishing The Jargon In The Financial Industry

Diminishing the Jargon was created to help simplify terminology that is used in the financial industry. 

By Jeremiah Pizana | Exclusive to Corridor News

Diminishing the Jargon was created to help simplify terminology that is used in the financial industry.  While working with my clients, I have found that when I can, to give an analogy. 

This has helped them understand general concept without having to drive into the weeds.  If you have any terminology that you would like me to discuss, please reach out jp@libertycrownfinancial.com.

You can also find more information on my website at LibertyCrown Financial.


Jeremiah Pizana is a financial planner who owns Liberty Crown Financial located in San Marcos, Texas and is an exclusive contributor to Corridor News. Liberty Crown Financial was founded with the distinct purpose of providing clients with the resources necessary to pursue a life of financial independence and prosperity. Jeremiah is an exclusive contributor to Corridor News and you can read additional columns from Jeremiah under our Business Section.

Securities and advisory services offered through Royal Alliance Associates, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC and a registered investment advisor.   LibertyCrown Financial is a marketing name.  Certain insurance offered through Jeremiah Pizana is independent of Royal Alliance Associates, Inc.


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