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Video: Diminishing The Jargon: Mutual Funds

We will try to answer these questions and hope you are able to understand what a mutual fund is.

Jeremiah Pizana | Exclusive to Corridor News

Diminishing the Jargon: Mutual Funds

You might wonder what a mutual fund is. Is it stocks or is it a company? How can it help me saving for the future? 

We will try to answer these questions and hope you are able to understand what a mutual fund is.


Jeremiah Pizana is a financial planner and President of LibertyCrown Financial which is located in San Marcos, Texas, and is an exclusive contributor to Corridor News. LibertyCrown Financial was founded with the distinct purpose of providing clients with the resources necessary to pursue a life of financial independence and prosperity. Jeremiah is an exclusive contributor to Corridor News and you can read additional columns from Jeremiah under our Financial Section.

Securities and investment advisory services offered through Royal Alliance Associates, Inc. (RAA) member FINRA/SIPC. RAA is separately owned and other entities and/or marketing names, products or services referenced here are independent of RAA.


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