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Volunteer for Upcoming Neighborhood Workshops

Volunteer For Upcoming Neighborhood Workshops
The City of San Marcos is calling for volunteers to be part of shaping the future of neighborhoods. The City’s Planning and Development Services Department will be hosting neighborhood character planning workshops on Saturdays in April and May and needs volunteers to spread the word, find great places to hold the meetings, and be part of ensuring that people from all parts of the community participate and contribute.
The neighborhood workshops will be an opportunity for residents to guide City officials as they develop neighborhood plans for future updates to Vision San Marcos, the City’s comprehensive plan. This project is moving parallel to the City’s Code SMTX project, the rewrite of the Land Development Code.
“Public involvement is critical to this process,” said Shannon Mattingly, Director of Planning &
Development Services. “We’re looking for volunteers who are passionate about their neighborhoods and can help us reach out to friends and neighbors. The energy and ideas they bring will make these workshops a success.”
Proposed Neighborhood Workshop Dates & Locations are as follows:
(Workshop locations and times are still being determined) 
  • Eastern Neighborhood:  Saturday, April 11, 1:30-3:30 p.m., KAD Store, 820 Sturgeon Dr.
  • Northwest Hills Neighborhood:  Saturday, April 18, Time & Location TBD
  • Northern Neighborhood:  Saturday, April 18, Time & Location TBD
  • Western Neighborhood:  Saturday, May 2, Time & Location TBD
  • Heritage Neighborhood:  Saturday, May 9, Time & Location TBD
  • Willow Creek Neighborhood:  Saturday, May 23, Time & Location TBD
To volunteer or find out more information, contact Alison Brake, 512.393.8232 or abrake@sanmarcostx.gov.  All volunteers will receive an event t-shirt and promotional material to share with their neighbors.
More information can also be found online at the SMTX Neighborhoods page at www.sanmarcostx.gov/neighborhoods.

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