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Walmart, City of Buda, Buda Police Officer Facing Federal Lawsuit

Buda, Texas – Walmart, a Buda police officer and the city of Buda are facing a federal lawsuit after a 73-year-old man was injured in a police take-down.


Juan and Guadalupe Martinez were shopping at Walmart when the elderly couple was separated. While attempting to find her husband, Guadalupe was detained by Walmart employees for shoplifting.


Buda Police Officer Demerriell Young was the first to answer the 911 call. It was reported that Juan entered the office where his wife was detained after Young arrived.


When Mr. Martinez refused to leave his wife, Officer Young allegedly removed him from the room. It was reported that Juan then fell to ground and cried out in pain. Martinez was taken to the hospital by EMS and treated for several broken ribs.


Juan Martinez has been charged with interfering and Martinez’ wife was charged for shoplifting; both charges are still pending.


However, the elderly couple has filed a lawsuit against the City of Buda, Officer Young and Walmart claiming the city and the officer violated Juan’s fourth and fourteenth amendment rights. Walmart has also been accused of negligence and false imprisonment.


As of yet, no complaint has been officially served to any of the accused parties.

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