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Watch Our Exclusive Interview With Cory Morrow & Go Wheels Up!

Want to know what all the fuss is about Go Wheels Up #Texas?

Watch our exclusive interview with Cory Morrow and learn what is happening at the San Marcos Regional Airport this weekend! You still have time to get your tickets HERE!

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  1. I wish I had the time and money to sue both the city and that festival for the loud noise and booming I’ve been enduring all weekend. I live at least 2 miles from the hangers and my house was shaking from the vibrations. Some of the concerts were so loud that I could clearly hear the music if I was outside. Unconscionable. Yay for the local revenue and donations to charity, but what residents for miles had to put up with was sadistic.

    1. Well, Tickets were only $25 bucks, so instead of bitching and moaning you could have come out an enjoyed an awesome show…FYI they signed a 5 year deal….see you next year

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