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Watch Out! Here Comes ‘Project Graduation Flocking’

Watch Out! Here Comes ‘Project Graduation Flocking’
By Blanca Tristan
SMHS Project Graduation Chairperson

Watch out! A flock of pink flamingoes may be headed to your lawn, as San Marcos High School Project Graduation fundraising continues.

The parents of the Class of 2015 have begun the annual “You’ve Been Flocked,” program to raise money for Project Graduation, the annual drug and alcohol free graduation celebration, designed to provide a fun, safe, drug and alcohol-free atmosphere for the senior class to celebrate their high school graduation.

“It’s an exciting time of year. SMHS Seniors are excited to continue this tradition,” said Marion Bonner, Project Graduation Pink Flamingo Chair. “Flocking is a Project Graduation tradition and a fun way for the students to participate in fundraising for Project Graduation.” she added.

“Parents are working hard to raise awareness of the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse, and want to provide a safe environment for the 2015 SMHS graduation celebration. Donations like this help make our efforts successful,” said Julie Villalpando, Vice-Chair of Project Graduation.

Local residents can make a donation to have the birds “migrate” to a lawn of a friend or neighbor in town. “When the surprised residents wake up to find they’ve been ‘flocked,’ and a group of about a dozen plastic pink flamingoes now reside on their front lawn, they’ll be asked to make a donation to have the birds sent to roost on another lawn in town,” Bonner explained.

Folks can also purchase “flocking” insurance, making a donation to Project Graduation to ensure the pink birds will never show up on their lawn as part of the money-raising effort. A flyer explaining the flocking process will be left with the flamingoes at each house.

Project Graduation will be held at the San Marcos Activity Center this year and will feature a variety of activities and entertainment including music, movies, games, casino night, sports and much more. In addition, food is served and prizes will be awarded to all seniors who attend.

Many local businesses are already on-board, but more support is needed. Villalpando said, “This program is a graduation gift to our graduating senior class, from all of us in the community. This is a totally self-supporting, community sponsored program. Although San Marcos High School supports our efforts, we receive no funding from them. It is only through the generosity of parents, alumni, San Marcos residents, our business community and other generous organizations that we can accomplish this,” explained Villalpando. “We hope churches, businesses, parents, patrons, clubs and other organizations will continue to take part.”

The 2015 Project Graduation offers sponsorship at several different levels. “We are grateful for the support from our community, and surrounding area businesses that have endorsed our efforts to provide a safe environment in which seniors can celebrate graduation night,” said Bonner.

For more information, call Blanca Tristan, SMHS Project Graduation Chair at (512) 757-4267.

– See more at: https://smcorridornews.com/news/1173/watch-out-here-comes-project-graduation-flocking.html#sthash.XTHuHJxi.dpuf

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