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We Are Letting Our Council Rob Us Blind

by, Melissa Jewett
In my last editorial, I wrote about our city council asking for a pay increases, and as promised here is the research on other council’s around the state, but mostly the ones in our backyard.
When I compared the other cities compensation packages, let’s just say…. we are all blind, deaf, or dumb and it seems by choice or ignorance.
Numbers Don’t Lie
As research started to come in from the other municipalities, I became very disappointed in all San Martian’s. We have allowed this issue to get this far without a fight and reeling in our council. I am also thoroughly angry, as my Mom used to say “fit to be tied’!  And with every single one of us, yes including myself!
One of the issues I keep hearing from Mr. Thomaides is “we have so many meetings, subcommittees, and “packet Friday’s” it’s taking us away from our real jobs,”
Are you kidding me?
How long have they served?
  • Daniel Guerrero, 2012-2014 & 2014-2016
  • Jude Prather, 2010-2013 & 2013-2016
  • Shane Scott, 2012-2015
  • Ryan Thomason, 2012-2015
  • Lisa Prewitt, 2013-2016
  • Jane Hughson, 1996-2002 & 2014-2017
  • John Thomaides, 2003-2006, 2006-2009, 2009-2010, 2011-2014 & 2014-2017
Source: City of San Marcos Website: http://www.ci.san-marcos.tx.us/index.aspx?page=47
As you can see, Mr. Thomaides was just re-elected this last November. If being a city councilman was taking so much time out of his business, impacting his income and personal life, why did he seek re-election? Mr. Thomaides is a small business owner in San Marcos.
The only city council member I could possibly understand hearing this from is Councilwoman Hughson.
Things have certainly changed since she was on the council in 2002, and she must not have understood the amount of time this responsibility would take. However, as a state employee, she is unable to except a monthly salary as a city councilwoman.
But…if she had been more involved, and known what was actually happening in our city and on our council, she would have known. These board appointments, committees and sub-committee appointments are voted on in public council meetings. I am very surprised that we would vote someone into a position with this much authority and responsibility that is required, that did not have an idea the amount of time it would require.
Another thing I find intriguing is which of the council members are requesting all these sub-committees and which council members volunteer to be on these sub-committees.
When the San Marcos City Council formed the first sub-committee in December of last year for GSMP (Greater San Marcos Partnership), Mayor Guerrero, Lisa Prewitt, and John Thomaides requested to be the sub-committee.
According to the minutes during the March 17th meeting it states,
“Discuss and consider the appointment of a Council subcommittee to review the contract between the City of San Marcos and the Greater San Marcos Partnership, and provide direction to Staff.” (source: City of San Marcos Website: http://www.sanmarcostx.gov/modules/showdocument.aspx?documentid=14364)
Council deliberated for several minutes on who would be on that second sub-committee, but finally a decision was made. It was the same three, Mayor Guerrero, Councilman Thomaides, and Councilwoman Prewitt.
It sure is interesting that the people that are on all these sub-committees are the ones complaining that it is affecting their income, but still coming back for more.
I will give you one last thing to ponder;
Guess who voted yes on the first vote to raise the Mayor and Council’s compensation? Mayor Guerrero, Councilman Thomaides, Councilwoman Hughson, Councilwoman Prewitt, and Councilman Thomason.

Buda Population 10,209

  • Mayor $75/month
  • 6 council $50/month

Bryan Population 76,201

  • Mayor $10/month
  • 6 council$10/month
  • Year Total: $480

Cedar Park Population 48,937

  • Mayor $0/month
  • 6 Council $0/month
  • Year Total: $0

College Station Population 93,857

  • Mayor $0/month
  • 6 Council $0/month
  • Year Total: $0  

Denton Population 113,383    

  • Mayor $0/month
  • 6 Council $0/month
  • Year Total $0

Georgetown Population

  • Mayor $450/month
  • 6 Council $300/month
  • Year Total: $30,600

Kyle Population 31,760   

  • Mayor $200/month
  • 6 Council $100/Month
  • Year Total: $3,600

New Braunfels Population 57,740       

  • Mayor $75/meeting
  • 6 Council $50/meeting
  • Year Total: $4,500

Round Rock population 109,821

  • Mayor $1000/month
  • 6 Council $750/month
  • Year Total: $16,500

Seguin population

  • Mayor $750/month
  • 6 Council $425/month
  • Year Total: $44,700

Victoria Population 65,098

  • Mayor $325/month
  • Mayor Pro-Tem: $250/month
  • 6 Council:$225/month
  • Year Total: $1700
San Marcos Population 54,076
  • Mayor: $1700/month
  • 6 Council: $1450/month
  • Year Total: $104,400

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