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Yoga rooted in authenticity: Local yoga studio in downtown San Marcos  

Amira Van Leeuwen | Staff Reporter

SAN MARCOS — Wild Rice is a small yoga studio nestled just off the square in the heart of Downtown San Marcos located on South LBJ Dr.

The studio offers a variety of yoga, including Hatha, Restorative, Hot 26, Power Vinyasa and Yin. The studio also has discounted drop-in rates for students, K-12 teachers, service industry workers and single parents.

Wild Rice Yoga instructor Jesse Foster meditates with his Vinyasa class. (Photo credit: Amira Van Leeuwen)

One of Wild Rice’s goals for the San Marcos community is continuing to provide a safe space for people to come together to work on themselves.

“Our goal is that people come in here feeling good, they leave feeling great, and that they take what they’re learning here on the mat out into the world so that they can just live a more peaceful life and live a happier life,” Wild Rice owner Kyleigh Reed said.

The studio opened in March 2021 on the day of the Spring Equinox.

“I think the Spring Equinox symbolizes rebirth and new life, you know, coming out of winter, coming out of a time that’s kind of stagnant,” Reed said. “A new cycle is beginning so it seemed appropriate,” she said.

The studio’s name was inspired by Zizania Texana (Texas Wild Rice), a rare and federally endangered species of grass found only on the upper stretch of the San Marcos River.

Reed stresses the importance of having yoga accessible to all types of people.

“Even if somebody came to us and said, you know, like, I really cannot afford the $79 unlimited monthly discounted rate for your membership. It’s like, okay, that’s fine. Like, what can you afford? Or, hey, maybe we cut that in half, and you stay after class a couple of times a week and just help the teacher break the room down,” Reed said.

“It’s so important to us that the people that really need it [yoga] and really benefit from it can have it, and if money is the obstacle like we can work with people on that,” Reed said.

Reed says one of the highs of opening Wild Rice has been seeing the studio grow and expand.

“Friendship that has come from the studio or the messages that I’ve received saying, you know, ‘I had no idea how much I needed this,’” or ‘I knew exactly how much I needed this and this is exactly what I need right now in my life. Thank you for providing the space,’ like those are huge,” Reed said.

Wild Rice student Alex Robbins says she really enjoys the Restorative yoga class they provide.

“I feel like it allows me the chance to really tune in and focus on what’s going on inside of my mind and body connection,” Robbins said.

Robbins, who joined Wild Rice in October 2021, recommends going to Yin on Tuesdays with yoga instructor DiPali Patel and Hatha on Wednesdays with yoga instructor James Ratliff.

Wild Rice yoga instructor Loretta Lynn who is known to the community as Lori teaches Restorative and Gentle Flow yoga.

After having two high-risk pregnancies, Lynn began practicing maternal yoga while pregnant with her son. With this faithful practice, Lynn had her son without complication.

“And so that for me, my son was a big healthy baby. And, I made it through because of yoga. That’s my belief,” Lynn said.

Wild Rice is open from 8 am to 9 pm Monday through Friday, Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm and Sunday from 10:30 am to 7 pm. Their class schedule can be found on their website

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