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Traffic lights coming to FM 1626 north of FM 967

Staff Reports

HAYS COUNTY – Hays County officials confirmed that new traffic lights are being installed on FM 1626 north of FM 967. FM 1626 is owned by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT).

According to Hays County Commissioner Mark Jones, Pct. 2, the lights will be at the following locations:

  • Jerry’s Lane @ FM 1626
  • Leisurewoods Drive @ FM 1626

“Heavier vehicle traffic along that roadway has made it more challenging for residents in some of the neighborhoods that feed onto FM 1626 to get onto the highway; they felt it wasn’t a safe situation,” Jones said. “I’ve received numerous comments about the road and why it’s time for lights at those intersections.”

Jones said safety is a top priority, so he reached out to TxDOT to study the traffic along that portion of the roadway.

“Following traffic warrant studies, the TxDOT agreed the lights were needed and they will install them,” Jones said. “FM 1626 is a TxDOT road so it was up to that agency to determine whether lights would be placed at those locations.”

He added that installation at the Leisurewoods Drive entrance has already begun and lights at Jerry’s Lane will begin in the coming weeks.

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