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Miller Middle School 8th Grade GT Students Program Videogames

Once a week, on Friday afternoons through the end of the school year, 8th-grade Gifted & Talented (GT) students at Miller Middle School are gathering in the school computer lab to learn to “code” HTML video games.

Microsoft Consultant Eduardo Rios will guide the students on the project.

With the power of HTML 5, these students will be exposed to skills that can be used to develop games that will run on multiple platforms such as Windows 10, iPads, iPhones, Android and Chrome. 

According to Rios, “Big plans include a skype session with an industry game developer to talk about the career path and give insights into what it takes to create great game franchises like Halo and Gears of War.”

“The students will be exposed to the game design process, as well as HTML coding,” said Rios.

Rios is a consultant and has been with Microsoft for over five years.  He has children in both Miller Middle School and Crockett Elementary and is passionate about introducing students to “coding.” 

He has worked with the district over the years hosting games and web development summer camps and STEM Fairs, as well as school clubs.


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