UPDATED:Seton Patient Does Not Meet Risk Profile For Ebola Testing

(Posted by Staff)


From: Garry Olney, Chief Operating Officer, Seton Medical Center Austin

Early this morning, we received a patient at Seton Medical Center Austin from another health care facility who was transferred with some symptoms that could be associated with the Ebola virus. The patient had recently traveled in West Africa, but not in one of the affected countries.

Based on the patient’s history, lab results and condition, the Texas Department of State Health and Human Services (DSHS) determined that the patient does not meet the risk profile for Ebola testing.

The patient remains in Seton’s care so that we can rule out other viral diseases.

The patient is resting comfortably and is in good condition.

However, given recent public anxiety about the health care community’s preparedness, I want to apprise you of activities that took place in the early hours Saturday morning.

•           We arranged for the patient to be directly admitted.

•           We placed the patient in isolation and met with the hospital’s Intermediate Medical Care (IMC) team members to share with them what we knew and to answer any questions.

•           We set up an Incident Command Center in Seton Medical Center Austin.

•           We delivered the appropriate personal protective equipment, per Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines, to the patient’s room to protect the patient and our staff.

•           We triple-bagged all lab specimens that were drawn from the patient and instructed our housekeeping staff on the proper disposal of linens and supplies. This is standard procedure.

•           Hospital Security placed officers to monitor and control visitors near the patient’s room. The entire hospital was locked down, as is standard procedure during off hours.

•           We are collaborating with the City of Austin Health Department, Austin/Travis County Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Texas DSHS and the regional office for the CDC.

And, finally, I want to commend the Seton doctors, nurses and other employees for their professionalism and support during the last 24 hours. Operations now have returned to normal.

Press Release Provided by Seton Communications


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