Travis County Sets Stage For Battle Over Sanctuary Cities In Texas

According to CNN, sanctuary city is a city that possesses policies that limit cooperation and/or involvement with federal immigration actions.

The controversy over sanctuary policies in Austin is rising between Travis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez and Gov. Greg Abbott.

Gov. Abbott announced last week the state would cut funding to Travis County Sheriff’s department after Hernandez announced the new policies that would go into effect on Feb. 1.

Tuesday, he said the new sheriff will lose her job if the policies to stop honoring federal immigration detainers in her jail is not reversed.

The Austin City Council has passed several measures to make Austin “an immigrant friendly” city but had no power to enforce the policies. Gov. Abbott says the county’s new ICE policies violate the state immigration law.

There is no law granting the Governor the power to sack local, elected officials, but Texas Republicans are pushing legislation which will allow local governments to be punished for not detaining illegal immigrants.

According to CNN, sanctuary city is a city that possesses policies that limit cooperation and/or involvement with federal immigration actions.

In a statement released Thursday morning, Hernandez stated she will not let “fear and misinformation” to guide her principle. Hernandez said her policy is in accordance with state and federal laws.

Hernandez says Travis County will comply with detainer requests that involve individuals with charges of any egregious crime.

The Trump Administration announced Wednesday the white house will be cracking down on entities who are not enforcing immigration laws, such as sanctuary cities.


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