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Hays County Commissioners Court To Swear-In Historical Commission Members, Accept Grant Contributions And More

On Tuesday, the Hays County Commissioners Court will have a complete agenda from swearing-in and confirming members of the Hays County Historical Commission to accepting multiple contributions.

The swearing-in and confirmation ceremony for Hays County Historical Commission members is first up on the agenda. According to the county, the confirmation of commission members is required in odd-numbered years and secures a two-year commitment from each member.

Commissioners and the public will be introduced to the new law baliffs hired; the baliffs are David Morales, Carol Jo Cooley and William Brad Follis.

The county will potentially accept a contribution from Cedar Oak Mesa Water Supply Corporation for the required grant matching funds related to the Water Line Improvement Project.

According to the agenda, the County accepted a pass-through grant under the Texas Community Development Block Grant Program for Phase IV of water line improvements to meet TCEQ rules and requirements; this grant requires a $15,179 cash match which is provided by the Cedar Oak Mesa Water Supply Corporation.

Funds will be utilized per the grant guidelines for the construction costs related to the water line improvements. If approved, the budget will be amended accordingly.

Commissioners will also consider accepting “a pass-through grant contribution from the Capital Area Housing Corporation for the Hays County Child Protective Board.”

In other news, commissioners will consider the relocation of the Hays County Child Protective Services to 401-C Broadway Street in San Marcos.

And commissioners will discuss and possibly “authorize the County Judge to execute a contract with the Texas Water Development Board for the Flood Protection Plan Grant in the amount of $285,370.”

Finally, Commissioners Debbie Ingalsbe and Lon Shell may be appointed to the San Marcos Regional Animal Shelter 90 Percent Live Outcome Implementation Plan Committee.


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