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City Of Buda Releases Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Annual Report

On Feb. 11, the City of Buda announced the Fiscal Year 2017-18 Annual Report is complete and available to the public. The Annual Report is a comprehensive report on the City’s performance.

The report contains summary information including the City’s financial standing, bond project updates, City accomplishments, development, public safety statistics, community services and events, City news, and more.    

The full report can be read here: http://bit.ly/2RUyNxC.

Here are some highlights from the report:

  • Grand Opening of the new Municipal Building (City Hall, Library, and Economic Development Corporation Office) and Public Safety Building
  • Completion of the Green Meadows Splash Pad
  • Completion of San Antonio Street/Garison Road Improvement Project 
  • A clean financial audit for the third consecutive year 
  • Adoption of an updated charter, including the creation of single-member districts 
  • Adoption of an Amended Water Resource and Drought Response Ordinance   
  • Unveiling of the new Senior Transportation Bus
  • Texas Municipal League Excellence Award for the Buda Police Department Mental Health Officer Program 
  • Buda Fire Department Class 1 Insurance Service Office Rating 
  • Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting
  • Buda Planning Department Received Project Planning Award From the American Planning Association  
  • First Annual Downtown Tree Lighting Ceremony and Cocoa Jingle Event


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