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Wimberley High School Student Receives Glowing Acceptance To Dream College

Staff Reports

Savannah College of Art and Design will have a very accomplished Wimberley High School Texan among their freshman class in Fall 2019.

Amelia Jordan, senior, has been accepted to her “dream college” after an evaluation of her academic career at Wimberley HS and her artistic work, which ranks her as one of the most outstanding among her peers, according to Wimberley Independent School District. “Now the sky is the limit for Jordan,” the district said.

Wimberley ISD | Amelia Jordan, Wimberley High School Senior and Savannah College of Art and Design Distinguished Scholar Recipient, Class of 2019

“I am so excited and can’t wait to start school in Georgia. I am so grateful to have attended high school in such a nurturing and caring environment where I could pursue my passion for the arts, while also participating in other extracurricular, leadership and athletic opportunities,” said Jordan. “I think together, all of these opportunities opened doors for me today and they formed the confidence and work ethic that I will need to succeed in the future at SCAD.”

WHS Fine Arts Instructor Donna Mial-Gary teamed with coaches, counselors and other instructors to nominate Jordan and to assure her application reflected her creativity, talent, hard work and achievement.

The SCAD scholarship committee recognized the educators’ role in forming such an outstanding applicant, stating, As an educator, your role is critical in developing their creative talents, giving them the courage to submit their artwork, and supporting them throughout the process. The Savannah College of Art and Design recognizes your contributions to these awards.”

“Our family is ecstatic that Amelia worked so hard to earn this honor and equally as thrilled with our team at WHS who rallied to make sure that her college dream was accessible. Because of their efforts to teach and support her, she was fully prepared to compete for this amazing opportunity,” said Darelle Jordan, Amelia Jordan’s mother.

Savannah College of Art and Design is renowned for preparing talented students for creative professions. Amelia and the rest of the Texan Class of 2019 will graduate May 24 at Strahan Coliseum.


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