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Hays County Citizen Sheriff’s Academy Alumni Association Gifts Safety Masks To Sheriff’s Office Animal Control Officers

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX –At its February 12 meeting, Commissioners Court members thanked the Hays County Citizen Sheriff’s Academy Alumni Association (HCCSAAA) for gifting five respirator masks to Sheriff’s Office Animal Control Officers to help them avoid respiratory issues caused by entering environmentally unsafe areas typically found in animal hoarding situations.

The masks are military grade gas masks and filters to protect against airborne diseases such as Leptospirosis, Histoplasmosis, Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis, Tularemia, and bioaerosols such as fungal cell wall fragments, mold, dust, and ammonia that are found when animal carcasses, feces, and rodents are present in an environment.

“We want our animal control officers to be as safe as possible, given the situations they have to go into,” former HCCSAAA Vice President Angie Cruz told the Commissioners Court. “The HCCSAAA is pleased to present these masks to them.”

HCCSAAA members partner with and provide services to the Hays County Sheriff’s Office and participate in activities that contribute to the well-being of the community.  


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