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Dripping Springs High School Partners With Local Professionals And HCWC For Sixth Annual Dating Violence Mock Trial

Staff Reports

The Dripping Springs High School Dating Violence Awareness and Advocacy Board will host its sixth Annual Dating Violence Mock Trial in partnership with the Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center.

Students will serve as the attorneys, witnesses and jurors in a mock trial. The mock trial is a program done in partnership with HCWC, DSHS and local attorneys.

Eight jury panels consisting of twelve jurors will watch the same trial while students present the case before Hays County Associate Judge, Brenda Smith, at the Hays County Justice Center on February 27.

The trial will begin at 10:00 a.m. The Juries (consisting of students) will deliberate around noon and the eight different jury verdicts will be read at approximately 12:45 PM.

The case presentation will feature a male victim this year to include education regarding dating violence and furthering the message that violence can and does occur across all socioeconomic lines, gender identity, educational background, etc.

Preparations for the Mock Trial have been going on for seven weeks, and students will be assisted by licensed attorneys from the area.

Following the verdict and students’ discussion on the outcome of the case, HCWC will present a program on dating violence versus healthy relationships. HCWC has been educating local youth for decades and that commitment has led to this partnership with DSHS

HCWC’s Executive Director, Marla Johnson further explains: “The Dating Violence Mock Trial is such an impressive event. I love that it is student led, that the students get to work with real attorneys to prepare, that Judge Smith presides and that everyone has the opportunity to learn so much about dating violence.  HCWC’s goal is to stop dating violence, and this event helps us achieve that goal.”

The Dripping Springs Dating Violence Awareness and Advocacy board is a student-led organization at Dripping Springs High School and is dedicated to bring awareness to healthy relationships and aspects of dating violence.

The Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center has a 41-year history of serving women, men and children in Hays and Caldwell Counties who are victims of family violence, dating violence, sexual assault and child abuse. All HCWC services are free and confidential. 

For more information please visit HCWC.org or call (512) 396-HELP. The Mock Trial is open to the public, and members of the community are encouraged to attend.


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