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San Marcos To Present Draft Housing Study At Third Task Force Meeting

Staff Reports

The City of San Marcos will present the draft housing study at its third Workforce Housing Task Force meeting on Thursday, March 14.

The meeting will be held from 12 PM to 2 PM at the San Marcos Rec Hall.

The Task Force is comprised of 19 community leaders assigned with assisting the San Marcos City Council in developing a strategic action plan to address the housing challenges faced by working families in San Marcos. Final recommendations from the task force are expected in fall 2019.

The City Council identified workforce housing as one of its five Strategic Initiatives in 2018 and again in 2019. To fully understand the housing challenges in San Marcos, the City contracted with Root Policy Research to conduct a detailed Housing Needs Analysis and survey.

The draft results from this survey, which included over two thousand respondents and the Housing Needs Analysis, will be presented to the Task Force during their meeting on March 14 and have been made available to the public on the City’s website.

All Task Force meetings are open to the public. For more information, contact Planning & Development Services at 512.393.8230 or visit https://www.sanmarcostx.gov/1635/Workforce-Housing-Task-Force.


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