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Four TXST Students Arrested After Argument Leads To Altercation

Staff Reports

Four Texas State University students were booked into Hays County Jail yesterday after an argument between two students escalated in a physical altercation.

According to UPD, some students had gathered on the Quad in anticipation of a planned demonstration by an outside group. While UPD was not aware of any outside group on campus, several students were reported to have engaged in a heated discussion, which escalated into a physical altercation between two of them.

The incident resulted in the arrest of four on various charges. 

UPD said no injuries had been reported by yesterday afternoon, and police did not use tasers on anyone; however, several officers had to restrain one individual on the ground before escorting all four students to the University Police Department Office.  

According to the Hays County Odyssey Reports, only four individuals were arrested by UPD yesterday. The arrests took place between 12:20 PM and 1:00 PM; the individuals were later booked into Hays County Jail yesterday.

Those four individuals were Claudia Gasponi, Tyvonte Williams Davis, Nayir Freeman and Alejandra Navarrete.

The charges listed on the arrests include failure to identify, interfering with Public Duties and Disorderly Conduct/Language. 

In the aftermath of several rumors spreading amongst the community, UPD published answers to several frequently asked questions about the incident on their website. 


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  1. once a nice quiet college town, now filling with minorities and the trouble that they bring..san marcos will regret what the college president has done with the school..diversity..hmmnot all its cracked up to be..

  2. Texas State University student senator Claudia Gasponi — who last month authored a resolution to ban the Turning Point USA group from campus — has now authored a new resolution to ban the university police from campus following her recent arrest for incitiing and committing violence on campus.

    “Dissolving UPD is, like — it’s like, so beneficial to disempowering our administration,” said Gasponi, “they’re using UPD like a gun pointed at our face, so that we stay in line and we don’t remove white supremacy.”

    “I’m not retaliating because I was arrested, I’m retaliating because I was violently assaulted and I saw several of my friends get violently assaulted,” said Gasponi at the emergency meeting on Wednesday. The student senator had referred to her arrest as an “assault.”

    The student senator went on to claim that while “racism and homophobia and transphobia in our university police department is a huge problem,” there are still bigger issues at hand, such as “the administration” supposedly using the police department to “terrorize the students” on campus.

    “People say, like, you know, like, ‘you should feel safe with police on campus,’ like, no,” added the student senator, “As a person of color, fundamentally, no. That’s not what police were created for, that’s not what police have done ever in their lives — policing in of itself is corrupt, like, the creation of police.”

    The resolution had also accused the police department of using their discretion “in favor of white supremacists,” adding that the department had not properly trained its officers in “de-escalation, LGBTQIA+ sensitivity, disability sensitivity, and racial sensitivity.”

    “University Police has a history of using excessive force against students,” states the resolution, “and therefore the Texas State University Student Senate calls for the dissolution of the University Police Department.”

    Several conservatives students on campus have expressed fears that Gasponi’s immediate future will be spent at expanding her freedom of expression to include greater acts of violence. From the latin: qui tacet consentire videtur, or, he who is silent is taken to agree. Don’t you, Ms. Trauth?

  3. ms trauth is the poison and not that other girl. trauth wont stop her, same as china won’t stop the korea dictator whassis name. this girl is doing what trauth lets her do. should see her in class when the teacher tells us readyup and she talks back like im gonna bust your head. gettin crazy jussayin

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