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$19.1B Federal Disaster Relief Bill Stalls On 1 Nay Vote Coming From Texas

Nine states and two territories will have to wait until early June for a second vote by Congress on a $19.1 billion disaster relief package, which would have sent $4 billion to areas of Texas hit hard by hurricanes.

Already passed by the U.S. Senate on May 23, the vote came before the U.S. House when U.S. Rep. Chip Roy, R-Austin, cast the sole vote required to hold up the bill – a move that came before Congress adjourned for a Memorial Day break.

Texans in the Senate and House were focused on a provision in the bill that set a 90-day deadline for the Office of Management and Budget to release billions of dollars in grant monies.

That timeline, combined with the delay caused by Roy’s vote, would push the disbursement of funds further into the hurricane season in Texas.

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This story originally published by Strategic Partnerships, Inc.

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