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Buda City Council Approves Amended Water Resource Management And Conservation Ordinance

The Buda City Council approved an amended Water Resource Management and Conservation Ordinance at its June 18 meeting. The changes go into effect immediately.  

“In the summer of 2018, the City implemented Stage 1 and Stage 2 drought restrictions. After reviewing water production data from this period, it was determined that there was no major difference in water consumption between the two stages,” said Blake Neffendorf, Water Resources Coordinator. “Therefore, the City made changes to Stage 2 restrictions. Citizens will still be allowed to water two days per week, but the time allowed to water on those days has been condensed to help reduce water consumption.”

Meanwhile, changes made to Stage 3 and Stage 4 restrictions keep the odd/even numbered watering schedule consistent across all restriction stages.              

There were no changes to the year-round water use allowance and restrictions or the Stage 1 drought restrictions.  

Residents can find the amended ordinance here: Water Resource Management and Drought Response.

The graphic below also points out the changes.


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