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GBRA To Test Warning Alert System At McQueeney Dam

SEGUIN, Texas – The Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority will test a newly installed warning alert system at McQueeney Dam Sunday, July 14, 2019, at noon.

The new alert can be triggered remotely from GBRA’s control room if an unscheduled release of water occurs from the dam alerting recreationalists nearby or within the restricted zones downstream of McQueeney Dam to take immediate actions to secure lives and property in the event of a spillgate failure.

In May, GBRA expanded the restricted zones upstream and downstream of McQueeney Dam and upstream of TP-4 on Lake Placid as a safety measure following the spillgate failure at the Lake Dunlap Dam.

Due to continued recreational activities within the restricted zone, the river authority will be placing additional buoys at the Highway 78 Bridge on Lake Placid to prevent vessels from proceeding upstream. Additional signage warning swimmers of the risks within the restricted area will also be installed near the dam.

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One Comment

  1. There is a camping spot called Dam Camp, and there are people out on kayaks and canoes just having a blast in the restricted area of the buoys, as well as the area between the McQueeney dam and the bridge on 78.

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