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Speeding –A Thing of the Past?

By, Robert Box , Exclusive to Corridor News


A major vehicle manufacturer has designed an automobile that automatically adjusts the vehicle’s speed to posted speeds on the roadway.


The Ford S-Max is equipped with technology that scans traffic signs and adjusts the throttle and engine fuel intake, not the brakes, to keep the vehicle within posted speed limits.  If the vehicle is going downhill at excessive speed, an alarm notifies the driver the speed limit is being exceeded.


Ford’s system is called the intelligent speed limiter, and is available in the S-Max model in Europe.  Ford’s European division said this technology would be available worldwide soon.


Forget About Speeding -Will Drivers Become Extinct?


It doesn’t seem so long ago that movies were on VHS tape, computer files were stored on floppy disks, and phone booths were regularly seen.  When obsolescence hits, it doesn’t take long for the landscape to change.


It’s not hard to imagine that speeding could virtually be wiped out by technology and regulation.  With speed-controlling technology already here, and self-driving vehicles on the near horizon, the day will soon be upon us when complete vehicular control will be up to a robot.


The arguments for automatically driven vehicles will be fewer collisions, enhanced safety, and quicker commutes, despite keeping speeds at or below speed limits.


Could it be conceivable that motorists will not be allowed to drive their own vehicles?  Policies may evolve in the interest of preserving motorist safety and accommodate traffic congestion concerns by making it increasingly expensive and stigmatic to drive one’s own vehicle.


It’s not out of the question for manually driven vehicles to be prohibited at some point in the uncomfortably near future, except by special permit.



Safety First Consulting <http://www.safetyfirstconsulting.com/>  helps businesses identify OSHA compliance deficiencies in their workplaces, manage their safety programs, and become accountable for the results. In addition to offering custom written safety programs for companies, Safety First Consulting provides required safety training, industrial hygiene sampling, noise sampling, and workplace inspections.

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