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TCEQ Honors San Marcos, Texas State University


The City of San Marcos and Texas State University have been announced as honorees receiving the state’s highest environmental award.


The City and University will share the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s 2016 Texas Environmental Excellence Award for their work in the San Marcos River as part of the Habitat Conservation Plan to protect endangered species and restore the river banks.


These prestigious awards bring attention to the most innovative and effective projects that protect the state’s natural resources.


“Vegetation that grows along a stream is critical to protecting water quality and slowing floodwaters, thus minimizing stream bank erosion in the San Marcos River,” said Melani Howard, Habitat Conservation Plan Manager.


Since 2013, contractors and volunteers have restored 10,800 linear feet of riparian zone, removing invasive trees and plants and planting native species that enhance the ecosystem. In the riparian zone, trunks of the removed invasive trees are used as terracing to stabilize the banks, and the remaining limbs chipped and used as mulch.


“We are replacing invasive plants with a diversity of natives that add to the beauty of this area and increase wildlife habitat,” said Eric Weeks, Habitat Conservation Plan Specialist.



Volunteers have been the primary resource for the native riparian plantings in the areas of invasive removal. This not only saves costs, but also gets the community involved and provides education and awareness about the importance of habitat conservation.


Throughout the project, educational efforts have included outreach events, media posts and articles, interpretive signage, volunteer planting days and regional presentations which continue to increase awareness of and participation in our non-native invasive species replacement and litter removal programs.


For more information about the Habitat Conservation Plan, go to www.sanmarcostx.gov/hcp.

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