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City Of Austin ED Department Expands Souly Austin Services To Two New Business Districts

AUSTIN, TX – The City of Austin’s Economic Development Department invites businesses to receive business district formation resources through the Souly Austin program. Souly Austin helps business districts form merchant associations dedicated to cultivating a strong, vibrant, culturally rich and historically rooted business district serving their immediate neighborhoods and the broader Austin community.

A competitive application process launches August 28 to October 30, 2019 for interested business areas of town to apply.

Since its inception in 2014, Souly Austin has fostered the creation of six merchants associations across Austin. These merchant associations have implemented enhancement projects, carried out festivals, featured documentaries, and formed partnerships resulting in economic growth and marketing promotion of their district.

Well-established and newly operating business come together with shared missions and visions for success to form some of the most active districts. Souly Austin has reached over 1,200 businesses, delivered an 80% participation rate, and engaged 36 legacy businesses who have been in Austin for 20 or more years.

“Merchants associations are extremely beneficial in creating a unified voice for businesses, leading positive change and driving patrons and visitors to a specific area of town”, shared Nicole Klepadlo, Redevelopment Project Manager. Merchants Associations represent business and property owners of a specific geographic area and contribute to beautification efforts, marketing and promotions, business retention, and events. To explore existing districts, visit www.austintexas.gov/page/soulyatx-explore-districts.

Souly Austin will select two new business areas to support over 2020. Program resources available include training and technical assistance, merchant association formation assistance, liaising to varied City of Austin departments, development of a Business District Strategy, and a contract award of $20,000 upon the successful completion of a merchants association. Application deadline is October 30, 2019 at 5:00 p.m.

Join Souly Austin for an informational webinar to learn more about the application process:

To apply and learn more about Souly Austin, visit www.austintexas.gov/soulyatx

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