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USA Racquetball Selects San Marcos To Host 2020 Championships

The City of San Marcos Convention and Visitor Bureau (SMCVB) announced USA Racquetball has chosen San Marcos to host their 2020 National Singles Championships June 3-7, 2020. This is the largest sporting event the SMCVB has helped bring to the community since UIL Volleyball, which was hosted from 2000-2011.

The Singles Championships are an annual event where 400-450 professional racquetball players compete for spots on the US National Racquetball Team. The economic benefit estimated for this event is $500,000 of revenue for San Marcos. It will be held at the Texas State University Student Recreation Center.

“We are thrilled to bring a national sporting event of this caliber to San Marcos,” said Destination Events Specialist Clancy Hardin. “As a sporting destination, we have some very tough competition, especially within Texas. It’s exciting to be able to win bids for these kinds of larger sporting events.”

San Marcos was chosen due to the proximity between two major airports, top tier facilities, favorable hotel rates, and the overall atmosphere of the city. Texas has one of the largest populations of racquetball players in the country and is a major draw for USA Racquetball.

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