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San Marcos Seeks Participants For Annual Veterans Day Parade

The City of San Marcos, in collaboration with the Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee and local veterans’ organizations, is seeking participants for the Honoring All Who Served-themed Veterans Day Parade on Saturday, Nov. 9. The deadline for entering the parade is Oct. 25.

The parade will begin at 10 AM and travel through downtown San Marcos. A free biscuit and gravy breakfast will be served before the parade at 8:30 a.m. on the lawn at the Hays County Historic Courthouse, 111 E. San Antonio St.

Veterans groups, military organizations, civic clubs, bands, drill teams, public officials, equestrians, youth teams, classic vehicles and others are invited to join the Veterans Day Parade procession. There is no fee to participate.

Veterans Day Parade applications are posted on the city website www.sanmarcostx.gov/parade. For more information, call the Parks and Recreation Department at 512.393.8400.

Grand Marshal Nominations

The nomination period is open for the Veterans Day Parade Grand Marshal position. Criteria for nomination include:

  • Must be a San Marcos area resident
  • Must have served in the U.S. military during a time of military conflict
  • Must have been honorably discharged from the service
  • Must be willing to share his or her military service memories

Nomination forms for grand marshal should be submitted to Lisa Morris at lmorris@sanmarcostx.gov or they can be dropped off or mailed to the Parks and Recreation office at the Grant Harris Building, 401 E. Hopkins St.

Nominations must include the full name and relevant details of the individual’s military service, along with detailed contact information, including a telephone number. The nomination form is posted on the City website www.sanmarcostx.gov/parade. The nomination deadline is Oct. 8. 

Kiwanis Club Kids Bicycle Brigade

Children ages 5 and above who arrive early with bicycles and helmets are welcome to participate in the Kiwanis Club Kids Bicycle Brigade before the Veterans Day Parade on Nov. 9 from 9 to 10 AM.

Free flags, streamers and sign materials will be available for bicycle and helmet decoration.

The Kiwanis Club members will escort bicycle riders along the parade route. Bicycles, training wheels and scooters are allowed. 

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