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National Weather Service To Host Flood Aware Training For San Marcos

The National Weather Service is teaming up with the City of San Marcos Office of Emergency Management to provide flood awareness training to residents on Tuesday, Sept. 24, from 6 to 8 PM at Fire Station #5, 100 Carlson Circle.

“We are entering the time of year where we may experience higher rainfall totals and potential for flooding,” said San Marcos Emergency Management Coordinator Rachel Ingle. “This training will help people to better prepare and protect their lives and their property during flooding events.” 

The training sessions will focus on flooding and the science behind the record-breaking flood incidents in San Marcos and Hays County.

It will also include guidance for family flood preparedness and response, as well as local emergency information resources.

No pre-registration is required. For more details, join our Facebook Event or visit www.weather.gov/ewx/skywarn.

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