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GBRA, Property Owners Reach Deal On Lake Draining Plan

The Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority (GBRA) and property owners reached a temporary agreement for four lakes on the Guadalupe River not to be drained on the condition that people and boats are prohibited from lake access.

GBRA officials had planned to begin lowering lakes McQueeney, Placid, Meadow, and Gonzales by 12 feet on September 16, but a court-ordered injunction stayed that action.

The agreement will be in place for up to 12 months while an appointed three-member panel decides the lakes’ future use. Each party will select a panel member, and those two members will choose a third member to serve on the panel.

After spillgates failed on two of the GBRA’s dams on lakes Dunlap and Wood, the agency announced its plan to drain the four other lakes for safety precautions. Property owners opposed the measure and claimed it would negatively impact their property values and quality of life.

This article was originally published by Strategic Partnerships Inc.

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