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Hays County Turkeys Tackling Hunger Campaign Launches For Its 13th Season

It’s Turkeys Tackling Hunger time in Hays County, and the local food bank is asking for help from residents. From now until October 17, residents can make a donation of at least $30 and receive this year’s commemorative t-shirt. 

The average cost of one-holiday meal box that is given at no charge to a local family in need is $30. The food bank intends to hand out at least 2,000 boxes.

Each box includes a frozen turkey and traditional sides associated with a Thanksgiving feast, like stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, and cranberry sauce. That’s a lot of turkey.

Donate, then advocate! The food bank asks that recipients wear their shirt with pride in November, and beyond. One in six Hays County residents are food-insecure.

When donors wear their shirt, people may ask what it means allowing them to advocate on behalf of their neighbors in need.

  • For the seniors who live from social security check to social security check.
  • For the single mom who works 2 jobs and still doesn’t make enough.
  • For the students at Texas State who can’t cover tuition, bills, books, and groceries.
  • For the guy next door who would never tell someone, he can’t pay his doctor bill and buy food in the same week.

This campaign is in its 13th season, and Hays County Food Bank is hoping it will be the most successful yet. Funds raised at this time will go to build, store, and transport these holiday meal boxes to sites across the county. Extra funds raised will help the food bank provide food at no cost to households in need all year long.

Be a reason someone gives thanks this holiday season. Donate at http://bit.ly/TTHShirt by October 17 to reserve your shirt.

Have questions or want to do more? Contact Hays County Food Bank at (512) 392-8300 or email info@hayfoodbank.org.

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