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Residents, Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority Near Deal On Lake Future With Tax District Plan

Lake Dunlap residents and the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority (GBRA) are nearing a compromise on the future of the drained lake in which property owners would vote on the creation of a property tax and a taxing district

The funds would be used to reconstruct the spill gates and the hydroelectric dam, which failed in May causing the lake to drain.

In return, GBRA officials promised to assist with the project by issuing debt that would be paid by the property owners. The authority owns the dam along with five dams on the Guadalupe River.

The GBRA general manager also wrote a letter to the Preserve Lake Dunlap Association in support of the formation of a water control and improvement district (WCID). GBRA would contribute all gross revenues from the hydroelectric dam to the proposed taxing district.

A memorandum of understanding between the two parties is scheduled to be presented to the GBRA board of directors at their October 23 meeting for formal approval.

This was originally published by Strategic Partnerships Inc.


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