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Hays County Commissioners Court Supports Undertold History Marker For Alba Ranch

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX  – The Hays County Commissioners Court issued a resolution October 15 in support of having the Texas Historical Commission recognize the historical importance of the former Alba Ranch near Dripping Springs.

The ranch, founded in 1900, was the home of one of the earliest established Hispanic families in the area, and the resolution asks the Texas Historical Commission to place an Undertold History Marker at the site of the former ranch.

The family’s patriarch, Victoriano Alba, overcame adversity to become a successful landowner, farmer, and rancher in Dripping Springs. In 1903 his family recorded the first birth at the Hays County Courthouse. In 1916 he conveyed land to the Patrons of Millseat School and the current St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church.

“The history of the Alba family is a history of Dripping Springs,” Precinct 4 Commissioner Walt Smith said. “Their contributions have continued for generations and our entire community is better for their involvement.” He noted that family members have continued the legacy of public service throughout the years by serving on the city council and participating in many community events.

“I’ve been following Ms. Alba-Rogers’ endeavor since February and whole-heartedly support the recognition of one of the first Latino families in Hays County,” County Judge Ruben Becerra said.

“It is truly worthy of an Undertold History Marker in every sense of the word.”

The former Alba Ranch old stone house has been restored and is now part of an event venue where visitors can sense the Alba legacy emanating from the stone walls. If approved by the Texas Historical Commission, the business will set aside land at the site for the marker.

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