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Texas State University Conducts Science Outreach In San Marcos Parks

The City of San Marcos Parks and Recreation Department and the Texas State University Department of Psychology are excited to share information on a new, ongoing partnership for child development research called Science in the Parks.

Texas State’s Dr. Jennifer Clegg and Dr. Katherine Warnell designed the partnership program to promote science outreach in local parks and at community events. Children are invited to participate in studies that help Texas State researchers understand more about how children’s social interactions with others change as they get older.

The goal is to share new science about child development with local families through games and studies run by graduate and undergraduate students of the Texas State Psychology Program.

Since the program launch in June 2019, nearly 90 children have participated and over a dozen Texas State undergraduate and graduate students have had the opportunity to work directly with area families.

Child development studies are often limited by a lack of diversity, but the participants in the Science in the Parks program have come from many backgrounds. This is integral for ensuring that child development science is representative of all children.

The findings from some of the studies conducted this summer will be shared at the 2019 meeting of the Cognitive Development Society.

The Science in the Parks program will continue at the San Marcos Children’s Park on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings throughout the end of 2019. In order to participate, a child’s parent or guardian must sign an Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved consent form.

For media inquiries, contact communicationsinfo@sanmarcostx.gov. For questions from the general public, contact Youth Services Manager Jessica Ramos at jramos@sanmarcostx.gov.

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