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Buda Extends Complete Count Committee Application Deadline

BUDA, TX — The deadline has been extended to Monday, December 2, 2019, to submit applications for the Census 2020 Complete Count Committee. 

The 2020 Census is on the horizon and the US Census Bureau is requesting the help of communities to share information about the Census and to promote that all people participate.

The Buda City Council will establish a Complete Count Committee (CCC) for the City of Buda. CCCs are volunteer committees whose purpose is to increase awareness and motivate residents to respond to the 2020 Census.

If residents are interested in serving on this committee, please complete and submit your application by Monday, December 2, 2019, to be considered for an appointment at the December 3 City Council meeting. Please help us spread the news and forward this information.

Complete Count Committee Application Form

Accurate census counts impact federal funding levels and representation at the state and federal level. Some of the activities of the CCC will include:

– Identifying barriers that might impact residents from responding;

– Dispelling myths and alleviate fears about the privacy of census data;

– Developing a 2020 Census Awareness Campaign and share information with the community through notices in utility bills, social media, and other avenues;

– Hosting community workshops on the Census; and

– Having a presence at community events to promote the Census.

Complete Count Census Guide 

The City Council will set the structure of the CCC to be representative of all groups, organizations, partners, and sections of the City. The number of committee members is discretionary.

The CCC should involve every aspect of a local community including government, education, faith-based organizations, media, community-based organizations, business community, foundations and other philanthropic organizations.

The City Council will appoint one or more city staff members as ex-officio members to guide the process and to assist the committee.

Additionally, a CCC may have subcommittees focused on specific tasks such as an education subcommittee that coordinates with schools, a faith-based subcommittee that coordinates activities with faith communities, a media sub-committee that coordinates with media outlets, and a business sub-committee that coordinates with local businesses to promote the Census.

Once formed, the City Council will need to identify how many members they would like to serve on the CCC and any other procedures or rules they wish the group to follow.

If anyone has any questions, please contact David Marino, Communications Director, at dmarino@ci.buda.tx.us or by phone at 512-312-0084.

For more information on the Census 2020 please visit https://2020census.gov/en.

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