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San Marcos P&Z Approve Service Expansion Request For Cheatham Street Warehouse

Staff Reports

On Tuesday, the San Marcos Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing to consider a request for an expansion of service for Cheatham Street Warehouse.

Cheatham Street Warehouse currently holds a lifetime CUP for mixed beverages as of January 2014; live music is performed within the original Cheatham Street Warehouse on a regular basis and has been since 1974.

According to staff, the applicant is requesting to expand their service area with the conversion of a former thrift store into a restaurant that serves alcohol; the request includes creating a beer garden between the new restaurant and the warehouse to allow patrons to move between the two with their beverages.

The warehouse has been a live music venue since 1974; it currently operates Sunday thru Saturday from 11 AM to 2 AM.

Staff has reviewed the request with the San Marcos Development Code and recommends approval of the request with the following conditions:

  1. Permit shall be valid for one (1) year, provided standards are met;
  2. The permit shall be posted in the same area and manner as the Certificate of Occupancy;
  3. The permit for the expansion shall be valid upon the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy;
  4. No amplified live music shall be allowed outdoors or in other unconditioned areas;
  5. The use of outdoor speakers shall be limited to between the hours of 11 a.m. and 11 p.m.; and
  6. The business shall be responsible for maintaining the sidewalk, gutters, parking lot, and all areas within 100 feet of any exit and all areas of the permitted property in a clean and sanitary condition, free from litter and refuse at all times.

There were no speakers for or against the new CUP.

Commissioners voted 7-0 with Commissioners Travis Kelsey absent to add an additional condition to allow for amplified live music outside with a special event permit up to four times per year.

Commissioner Mark Gleason said he was a little nervous about the hours of operation due to the proximity to residential properties; however, he noted that Cheatham Street Warehouse was a local, long-time business in San Marcos and had not experienced issues in the past. 

Commissioners voted 7-0 to approve the CUP as amended.

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