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Houston, Austin Traffic State’s Most Congested According To New Texas A&M Report

The Texas A&M Transportation Institute has ranked Houston and Austin highways as the most congested in the state in its new Texas’ Most Congested Roadways 2019 report.

Houston’s West Loop retains its hold on the top spot from 2018 as the most gridlocked corridor in Texas.

Interstate 35 in Austin placed a close second, according to the institute. Third and fourth places went to Southwest and Eastex freeways in Houston, respectively. Dallas’ Woodall Rogers Freeway came in fifth.

Researchers used traffic volume and speed data to compare the time it takes to travel on a congested roadway to the time required to travel the same route in uncongested conditions.

The list welcomed 13 road segments to the top 100 this year, which includes 92 thoroughfares in Texas’ four biggest metropolitan areas.

Researchers also included freight congestion in their studies that found Austin, Houston, and the United States-Mexico border near Laredo suffered the most freight transportation gridlock.

Source: Strategic Partnerships Inc.

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